5 Steps to Start Writing Your First Book

Sapna Goel
3 min readMar 5, 2021


I love reading books. I like to read books of different genres, different time periods and belonging to different cultural backgrounds. Books transport me to places where I can never go or learn the ways of society in a manner no other means could teach me.

I am always fascinated by writers who can put their thoughts in words so beautifully and exquisitely. Whose power of imagination is so vivid, or ability to describe a place or scenarios crosses all chasms of thinking and goes right into one’s minds.

I always wanted to write a book myself. Just that I did not realize how tough would it be to get started. A hundred stories reside in my mind, a hundred thoughts come and go, but when it comes to putting them down in words, my hands freeze, my mind blanks out. What if I bare my heart out in my words and the people it links to, read it? Should I use a pseudonym. But then I want to promote my book and want many people to read it, then why would I hide my true self? Should I write a single novel or should I write a collection of short stories. Should every story have a beginning and an end, or should it just flow by itself? So many questions. But there was only one answer to these myriad questions.

Just write and write.

But this is like saying that if you want to run a marathon, the only way to get started is to run. That is only partly true. There is more to that. You need to rest, massage , work on right muscle group, strengthen your core, improve flexibility, have a proper diet, improve speed and most importantly keep yourself motivated to go on. It is same with writing a book.

  1. Pick a Time of the Day

Set aside a time of the day , when you would leave everything behind, yes your phone too, and sit down to write. Let your mind wander and write whatever comes to mind. If your story is not finding the line, just write about your day today and what you are thinking as you write. This will help you overcome the inertia of writing. Try this consistently for three days, by setting an alarm or blocking your calendar and from the fourth day onwards your mind would be set to write on its own at the said time

2. Join a Writer’s Group

In case one cannot do this in person, Facebook groups or Zoom meetings come in equally handy. One can silently sit at the fixed time and do their writing and keep prodding each other every 20 minutes or so to share how many words they wrote. This strategy is extremely effective. People can write anywhere from 800 to 1200 words in an hour. It is motivating and keeps you going.

3. Read, Read and Read

We were talking about writing, so why are we talking about reading? Yes, reading books especially of the genre you want to write in really helps in building up your own style and finding the voice you wan to write in. It could be first person ( your story) , second person ( story about someone from your eyes) or omniscient ( story from the point of view who knows it all). You can look up on Goodreads or Google some famous books which match up your voice of writing.

4. Write Poems

Poems are shorter and sometimes are easier than writing lengthy passages. Poems enable one to convey their emotions deeply and succinctly. Give that a shot and you would be surprised to know what a poetic genius you are !

5. Outline your Book

Now that you have begun the flow of writing, start on the book that you have been dreaming of for a while. Start from the outline, and each outline would become a story in its own. Also remember that writing does not have to be linear. You can write any part, anytime and then sew it all together to give it a beautiful shape.



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